Saturday 29 December 2012


I wrote up the faction setup for the club Necromunda campaign last night. I plan to split the players (sitting at about 10 or so at the moment) into two camps. Here's the introduction on the club website:


As hinted at before the Necromunda Campaign is based around an area called ‘Blake’s Pit’ deep in the underhive. The pit is the Hive heat sink, a shaft sunk down into the planet’s mantle to capture geothermal heat to power the hive’s countless factories. The walls of this near bottomless shaft are crowded with factories, setlements and tunnels. As the eons wore on, the hive spire grew taller and as the heat sink rose higher and higher, those settlements on the lower levels were left forgotten and abandoned by the hab complexes upper hive. But life down there did not end. As the hivers moved out, the underhivers crept in. One such strata of the heat sink was taken by a gang leader who rose to such prominence that he gave that place his name: Blake – and so, for that part of the world, the shaft became known as Blake’s Pit. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. You must be cautious…

With the opening of the Grimshaft, Blake’s Pit offers the only route to this new lode of resources and wealth. With money surging into the town, two magnates have risen to make their bid for power: Boss Blake, grandson of the eponymous Blake who gave this place its name, and Papa Tango, a shadowy gangster and racketeer behind most of the region’s watering holes and illicit gambling dens. Both harbour ambitions of making Blake’s Pit their own, and as their gather their forces, the gangs of these parts are aligning themselves to either side. All of you who call yourselves gang ‘leaders’ of these parts have a had a visit from the representatives of either faction (check your inbox for the PMs). Neither side cares to discriminate – they’ll take shaven headed Delaques, Van Saars with their ridiculous beards, even slimy scavvies or shunned outlanders. Even the arbites aint above a bribe or two in the right circumstances!

Read your PM, respond to the one you want to side with. You may even elect to ignore both and go it alone, but that is a lonely and dangerous path to tread… Get your replies in lads, this campaign is about to hot up!

All players were sent these two approaches in their PMs. Hopefully, they'll respond to one and 'pick' their side... First up, Papa Tango's pitch:

“So you see how it is right? You get it?” Quaego took another huge draw on the stogie, his eyes narrowing on you again in that disconcerting way of his. The man’s bulk was immense – the broad expanse of his chest seemed to fill the booth, whilst the swarthy hand gripping his synthale bore more than a passing resemblance to the grip-claw on a forklift loader.

The evening had begun the same as most. After haggling over some exorbitant contraband kit down at the trader post, you and some of the lads had headed up to the Titty Twister to burn some creds and score some action. Quaego owned the joint. Well, maybe ‘owned’ was stretchin’ the truth some. Quaego ran the ‘Twister for the Papa. He kept the business runnin’ - guarded the merchandise, pimped the whores, and cracked a few skulls when heads needed bustin’. You tried and failed to stop your eyes restin on those two great meathammers the man had for hands. Aint no messin’ with Quaego. Tonight was the first time he’d asked you anything other than ‘whatcha havin’?’, and it was feelin’ real hard to say no.

No one messes with Papa Tango's boys!

Quaego blew out a long, reeking plume of smoke. Came to be that sitting in this booth was like sucking on the exhaust manifold of a rhino, but you didn’t even notice. The black giant’s eyes never left your face, and right then it felt like that bastard was in your head watching every thought that popped out.

“Like the Papa says”, Quaego’s voice was like gravel, and deeper than the pit. Yours would be too if you had a chest the size of a fucking cathedral. “Blake thinks he owns this town. Squaring to set himself up as some kinda Governor.” The towering pimp leaned in close, his massive bulk making a major fucking violation of your personal space. “Aint nothing makes that man any better than you, me or some damn dirt-grubbin’ ratskin!” A share of the venom drained out of him some, Quaego slumped back in his bench and took another draw on the stogie. Only now did you notice how ridiculously small it looked in those massive hands. Not the time or the place to be havin’ a fucking giggle to yourself though.

“When a man like that sets himself to power, the likes of you and me end up being bad for business. Real quick we got people gunnin’ for us, and we end up dead or forced out for pastures new. Word is hes got the arbites in his pocket. Squarin’ up to hold the guilds too. A man with a racket like that aint got no time, or need, for an honest man workin’ his share”. Quaego at least had the good fucking grace to crack something close to an ironic grin on that one. Stood to reason that a man running a big business down here didn’t want no armed gangs raidin’ his assets. Something else was comin’ here, you were sure. Quaego leaned in alarmingly close again, his fetid breath hot on your face. Here came the pitch.

“Papa Tango aint standing for no self-declared governor ruinin’ our show down here. He’s got the credits, and he’s recruitin’. Aint no orders – this aint no army – but you join us then just occasionally the Papa asks you to do a job for him. A few months of work and this whole thing just blows over, everything back to normal. In the meantime,” Quaego’s face broke into a leering grin, revealing two neat rows of chromed teeth, “you and your boys get all the creds and whores you could ever need.” Quaego leaned back in his bench, lifting the stogie for another self-satisfied drag, eyes never leaving your face. Beads of sweat trickled down your brow as your wore your own grin like a mask. This was some seriously heavy shit. The lads would go wild for what Quaego had laid on the table here, but getting tied in with the Papa was no fucking joke. Once the old bastard noticed you, he owned you for life. Seen it happen too many times before. But the money, the fucking money… Quaego puffed out another toxic plume of smoke. The booth was getting so thick with it, you were struggling to make out the pimp’s face across the table.

“Well boy, whats it to be? You with us?”

*             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *          

To join Papa Tango’s faction and get your share of the mountain of creds, reply to this message. During future campaign missions, you will be called upon to fight for the Papa. Doing so will earn you considerable wealth, although the challenge, danger, and moral outrage may be great.

And now, here's the pitch from Boss Blake's man:

“Now, what we got here is failure to communicate.” Silas kicked his chair back and strode slowly across to the office’s single grimy window. He stood there with his back to you, and as the silence threatened to draw out to uneasy lengths, you began to notice how uncomfortable your chair was. It was never comfortable being in the oppressive grasp of authority. Now Silas may have liked to call himself ‘sheriff’ of these parts – even though he was as crooked, corrupt and bent as the next man, and a long way off representin’ anything approachin’ the law – but truth be told the man found himself in the envious position of representin’ the power round these parts:  the eponymous Blake.  So when Silas called you up to his office, it seemed the done thing for a man to go and show his face where it was wanted.

“Some people you just cant reach,” thank the Emperor he was speakin’ again. Aint no way to hold a meeting; nobody talking, just lots of starin’ and waitin’. “So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well,” Silas nodded out the window to the motionless figure hanging stung up outside, “he gets it”. From where you were sitting, you couldn’t make out the ganger’s rotting form, with his bulging eyes, gorged lolling tongue and voided bowels, but you’d had a right good fucking look on the way in. Silas turned from his vigil and regarded you with a sour eye.

“I don’t like it any more than you,” mindful of the ever present risk of snipers, Silas stepped back from the window and lowered himself back into his unpadded plasteel chair. “Times be changin’ round these parts. Evidence is swinging from a pole right outside” More mental images of pooping eyes and purple faces.  Real nice. “Boss Blake is gonna make somethin’ of this place, like his Daddy, and his Grandaddy before him.  Now that the Grimshaft is open, people gotta reason to come through these parts again. We got guilders, prospectors, hell we even got green hivers! We got a chance here to make somethin’ of this place again.” Silas paused to carefully extract a flask and two tumblers from a particularly deep desk drawer. Working the lid with measured precision he poured out two perfect fingers of Veit, pushing one across the desk towards you. He watched like a sentinel droid as you drank; it was the good stuff, real smooth. Silas was going up in the world if he could afford shit  like this.

Don't cross the Boss!

“Boss Blake wants to clear the place out”. He paused, staring at you in that fucking disconcerting way of his, as if he was inside your head listening to your thoughts before you even had some for yourself.  “Its no good for business having ‘unlicensed’ gangs fucking up all our new trade. Boss Blake aint got the time for no competitors out there neither. You see, he don’t want a slice of the pie, he wants the whole fucking pie.” Silas’ hands were working the flask. Another finger of Veit – one for you, one for him. Only time in your life this man had given you anything other than a week in the cells.

“The way I see it, you’re either part of our solution here, or part of the problem. You come do a bit of work for the Boss, we fit you out with some nice equipment and creds, and put a bit of work your way. In a few months’ time, job done and this all blows over, leaving you and me richer and both of us a whole lot happier.” Silas takes the stopper off the flask for another finger. “So what d’ya say, boy? You in?”

*             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *             *          

To join Boss Blake’s faction and get your share of all the lovely new kit for your gang, reply to this message. During future campaign missions, you will be called upon to fight for the Boss. Doing so will earn you considerable power, although the challenge, danger, and moral outrage may be great.

Quite cheesy, and admittedly heavily influenced by Joe Abercrombie's Red Country, but fun to write. I wonder if anyone will notice the Cool Hand Luke rip offs?


Thursday 27 December 2012

Storms of Magic

The Vampire Counts rolled out again in a 4000pt storms of magic game vs. Robert's Daemons of Chaos. My army was gigantic - I almost ran out of figures! 290 zombies, 25 grave guard, 6 crypt horrors, a Mortis Engine, batswarms, 6 mages and 4 terrorgheists! So many fun things to play with!! On a 6x4 table with 4 fulcrums, there wasn't much space to squeeze it all in...

By contrast, Robert went elite - his army seemed ominously tiny... 3 punchy looking hordes of daemonettes, plaguebearers and bloodletters, led by their respective heralds, a skullcrusher (Well he said it was that. He hadn't built it yet, so we just put the base down. Could have been the hamburglar for all I knew), 2 giant spawn, a couple of low level mages and then this guy...


a Great Unclean One!!! Jeebus I'd need a nuke to kill it! 10 wounds at t6, with heavy armour and a 4+ regen. Cheeeeeese! ;-P Ah well, the general plan was to pin him with zombie tarpits and scream him to pieces with the terrorgheists and the mortis engine. Hadn't counted on this big critter showing though...

4 terrorgheists. Most certainly better than one!

The plan worked extremely well at first. The skullcrusher only got off one shot and both the great spawn got wiped. My Strigoi Ghoul King and his grave guard had a jaggy encoutner with a venom thicket before grinding down his daemonettes to nothing. My trump card was a level 2 necromancer with the black book of ibn-naggazzar. With his blood sacrifice - once I'd pushed one of his mages off a fulcrum with a cantrip - allowed me to cast the 'dominance' spell for shadow with 15 power dice. There was nothing he could do.... With his army's stats reduced to 1, I screamed him to pieces with the terrorgheist. Couldn't make it tell on the Unclean One though. I got that spell off twice. Immense!

Sadly Robert's cunning plan was just as nasty. He brought the wildwood staff and turned the venom thicket into 3 big treants who proceeded to scuttle over the board and rip my centre up with their 30 attacks a round. My kingdom for a match and a flask of oil...

Necromancer Lord: tag teamed by a weeping willow and an angry alder.

In the final turn it came down to both of us with only dribs and drabs left alive. A unit of 5 surviving zombies pulled down a bloodletter herald on a juggernaut with a 1+ save (heh heh). After barraging it with vampires, spells and terrorgheists, the great unclean one was down to one wound. It sat on one fulcrum, my last remaining vampire sat on the other. It was going to be a draw and he'd win on VPs. Otherwise I only had 3 units of zombies left, to his big beastie and 20 plaguebearers (and that bloody walking forest). I tried to roast his general for that last wound with 'Shem's burning Gaze'. I failed, miscast due to his magic items, and on the fulcrum miscast roll turned both sides remaining mages into frogs. End result a draw by fulcrums, resorting to a countback on Victory Points: I scored 2900 to his 3300. A well deserved win for Robert: massive slaughter all round and a great game! If only I'd pinged the Great Unclean One for that last wound.... aiiieeeee!!

On a more serious note, I heard today that one of the lads from the club is seriously ill. All the best to him and his family, and heres to hoping we see him again soon.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Busy times!

There's so much to do in December it makes my face hurt! This month's massive workload has been juggled and fobbed off to fit in as much gaming as possible...

At the club I played a campaign game vs Robert. He invaded lands I'd taken from the Dwarves, daring to show up with the sad remnants of Van Morrlich's army. A Warpriest Lord, Level 4 and level 2 mages, a BSB captain, a witch hunter hero, hellblaster volleygun, 5 outriders and 15 swordsmen. To give him a chance, Paul sent him a regiment of 20 handgunners. This sad crew was the 'army' daring to invade Chlodulf's realm!

Chlodulf: pissed.

I had to give up the siege of the Dwarven capital to face him down, which was troublesome, but my Vampire Count army was almost twice that of the Empire. I had Chludolf, the Strigoi King with skabscrath, Hrodgar the Black, my level 2 necromancer, 16 grave guard, a terrorgheist, 2 bases of batswarm, a spirit host, units of 25 and 50 zombies, 3 fell bats, a corpsecart and 51 skeletons.

Robert's plan was to sting me as badly as possible, taking out the big ticket units before retreating off the field. He also sprung a surprise as John's dwarven longbeards appeared in my deployment zone in turn 2! Skullduggery! To avoid getting Chlodulf's fingers burnt, I advanced behind a wall of zombies and skellies, using them as a meatshield for the army. Once the dwarves appeared, I sent the terrorgheist to dance around them and scream them to death whilst they milled helplessly about. Nay danger!

Corpsecart: fatality!

In the end Robert I more or less drew. I managed to get a Vanhels off to get Chlodulf's skellies in the Empire deployment zone. Surrounded by the imperial characters - who would no doubt scarper out of charge arcs in their own turn, I got in range of scabscrath and used it to slay his level 4 mage. His hellblaster misfired twice in one turn and blew itself up :-) The priest general and the witchhunter legged it off the table, whilst he voluntarily retreated the rest of his army away. All in my casualties were the corpsecart, the spirit host, the bat swarm and 4 skeletons. John lost 5 dwarves for being a rude tit. Next turn - the autumn turn in the campaign, I began another siege against John. His lands will be mine one day...

I googled 'dead dwarf' and this came up. Seems good!

Otherwise at the club, I've been GM-ing some more Necromunda games and playing lots and lots of Spartacus! Harky has shown himself to machiavelli's own bastard offspring, and I continue my trend of not being able to win anything (at all) when playing against Tam. Damn his beady eyes and his mountainous piles of gold! The club has a pretty different feel to it now, which is good. There was a definite 'hangover' lull after the league ended. I think most of us needed a break from warhammer for a bit! I've only played a couple of big one offs since then - a vamps vs vamps big rammy against Mark and the six player storms of magic game. Until Robert invaded I've had one game out of Paul's campaign, but other than that I've lain off it a bit. I, and most of the lads have been trying out some other systems, dabbling in a bit of this and a bit of that, but nothing much had been going on for a few weeks. But, it gave us a chance to try some new things and now there are some new projects gaining their momentum. Spartacus has proven itself popular, Kev's x-wing game looks pretty nice, the flames of war league is in full swing thanks to Geoff's efforts for which my Wehrmacht Infantrie Kompany is nearly ready to fight. On top of this, Martin's 40k blitz seems to have kicked off at last, and the Necromunda campaign is romping on.

Not long until my sexy Stuka squadron be blowing bitches up!

Outside of club nights - at Robert's house to be precise - Martin's taken on the mantle of GM from Kev. He's running a Ravenloft module called 'Death Unchained'. Pollock ran this one years ago, which I played in, but I remember nothing other than being ambushed in a field somewhere. Needless to say, all fields were treated with suspicion.... Good fun so far, lots of eery suspense and mystery. Impaled corpses galore and heavy handed guards to beat us up. Good times! Another session of this one and then its Angus for GM, then back to me for the journey into Scardano's lair - if anyone's still alive by then...

Will anyone survive?

Last week D&D was called off late, so we ended up playing Kev's Cthulhu boardgame, the 'Elder Sign'. Players have to go into a museum archive and clear it out before a critter can come though a dimensional gate. Play is card based and the pieces all look very, very nice. Got to say its the most complicated number I've played in quite some time though! Going to take some getting used to on this one... In the end we couldn't prevent it breaking through, so we had to fight it. Kev, John, Angus and I all died and had our brains sucked out, but Martin's character put the critter down and stumbled blinking out into the daylight clutching his final shred of sanity.

Many fiddly little components, but they all look really nice...

I'm off on holiday now (yaaaas!) - time to chill out a bit and get some new projects on the go. I'm going to set up an idea for the club's Necromunda campaign to align the players into two rough factions under 'Blake' the pseudo-governor, and his nemesis, the gangster boss Papa Tango. This should provide a good hook for a long running campaign plot thread and setup some good big multiplayer battles. There was also a lot of talk of the Warhammer Vet's league at the club night out last night (hangover is immense). Think it be time to post it up on the forums and keep the talk going!

Monday 3 December 2012

Guilder Contract

Ran a Necromunda campaign scenario at the club last night - the 'Guilder Contract'. One gang (Martin's Arbites) had been contracted by the guilders to guard a cargo skimmer laden with crates of valuables through Blake's Pit and up to the Grimshaft. The cargo skimmer was equipped with a heavy plasma gun and armour plating to shield the crewmen. He also had two fast skimmer as outriders, each armed with a lasgun and ridden by a single adeptus, they had armour 7 and speed to keep them safe (both of which would prove woefully inadequate!)

The cargo skimmer, disguised as a yellow submarine in its undercoat. I made this 15 years ago out of cardboard stuck to sprues, which was the last time I played this scenario. I seem to be regressing as I get older... No time to build crates, so two packets of fruitella did the business on the night!

The skimmer moved 9" a turn, starting with its rear end touching the narrow end of the game board. The table was to be 4' x 6', covered in high towers and sweeping walkways and bridges. Martin's Arbites simply had to make it the opposite edge of the game board (6 feet away) to survive and win - but he'd need to weave between a forest of broken down industrial ruin to do it! In his path lurked four rival 'robber' gangs - Robert's Van Saar, John M's Orlocks, Craig's Delaques and John S.'s suicidal chaos cultists.

The scenario made for a pretty eventful, fun game. Martin chose to start at the end between Robert's Van Saars and John M.'s Orlocks and he immediately got hosed down with fire from both for his troubles. Nevertheless he soaked it up! Outrunning arbites on foot threw themselves at their flankers, the robotic pooch taking almost an entire gang's worth of shooting to smack it down, whilst the cargo skimmer itself pushed on. Martin's return fire was pretty abysmal, missing everything in sight (and there was a lot of scary stuff in sight) so that initially it looked horrifically grim for the long arm of the law.

The arbites close ranks and hope for the best!

Seeing the quarry abruptly zoom off brought the Orlocks chasing down off their perch, and in a stroke of luck for the clenched anus of justice, both Orlock heavy stubbers ran out of ammo. One loot hungry Orlock did manage to sprint over and board the skimmer, straight into combat with an arbite. Another tenacious fellow with hipshooting ran after the skimmer, continually popping off hopeful bursts of autogun fire. As the skimmer driver put the pedal to the metal, the hapless boarded Orlock fought like James Bond and a French assassin on the roof of a train for round after round as the battling scoundrels gangmates dwindled away into the distance behind....

The skimmer - a fireballing death trap if ever there was one.

Martin's other flank looked like a butcher's window. The arbites sent one speeder up the hill and straight into the teeth of Van Saar fire. A hail of lead blew it and its pilot to smithereens. I'd put the two skimmers in to playtest them for the planned 'skimmer battle' I've got coming up at the club. So much for this one, but at least the armour values and damage charts seem fit for purpose! The Van Saars laid down a hail of fire on the skimmer and the handful of outrunning arbites moving up the hill towards them. Miraculously, meltaguns missed, Heavy Stubbers failed and lasguns ricocheted wide. The skimmer had passed the first hurdle. The arbites scaling the hill were not so lucky!

As John M and Robert rained down fire, Craig and John had raced into position at the other end of the table. Early on the arbites were soaking so much fire it seemed doubtful if not ridiculous that they would ever make it out. Desperate to grab something from the game, Craig's Delaques ignored the prize and instead turned their guns on John's cultists as they scuttled across open ground to break for the high bridges. The result was disastrous for the cultists. Numbering only 5 to begin with (chaos it seemed had not smiled upon these particular disciples...) he put two down and pinned another. John passed his bottle test however and pressed on to make the bridge, even in the face of horrific casualties...

Chaos Cultists - good at dieing, not much else.

Martin's arbites made the half way point, bloodied and torn. Their outrunners were down and left for dead behind them. They'd run over an Orlock, and now two arbites were battling toe to toe over the crates with their Orlock boarder. The plasma turret gunner was down, although one fast speeder remained. The fire from Robert and John M was dwindling but Craig's Delaques still posed a major obstacle. To draw fire, Martin sent his fast speeder to shoot up the nearest emerging Delaques and fend them away from the cargo skimmer. A crazed one-eyed Delaque ganger armed only with a length of chain broke cover, running out and swinging wildly at the speeder pilot. Amazingly he connected and knocked the man cold as he hurtled past. Tragically however, the unmanned speeder spun out of control and impacted into a nearby wall, exploding into a ball of flame and wicked shrapnel. The blast took down chainboy and a second Delaque bystander. After the dust had settled, the Delaques found chain boy half buried under the wreckage. Although he yet lived, tragically the fire had taken his remaining eye. Blind, half mad and as useful as a two legged horse, they cut him loose outside a nearby settlement. The gang had enough mouths to feed. Cant be having no passengers in the Pit....

Yup, I'd like to say the game board looked like this, but it didn't! You get the gist though....

Passing yet another bottle test, John S.'s two remaining cultists vaulted off the high bridge as the cargo skimmer passed underneath. Epic move John! The cultists crashed into arbites crewmen like human missiles. Sadly, stunted and withered from malnutrition, the arbites easily batted aside the plummeting cultists with their heavy riot shields. The arbites took an easily saved str 2 hit (the jumping model's str) whilst the cultists suffered a hit of str equal to the height of the fall in inches (str 5). Both cultists dinged themselves and went down. One even fell over the side and was run over by the skimmer, which killed him. It seems the chaos gods were unmoved by their minion's display of insane courage!

Last two turns and victory implausibly seemed in sight for Martin arbites. Three arbites left standing now. The battling Orlock was put down by a token shot from a lingering chaos cultist shooting into the combat. Truly the dice gods are fickle! Martin just had to get past Craig's Delaque gunline overlooking the highway. To his credit, Craig threw everything in, but it wasn't to be. His heavy had already exhausted his ammo. His leader hit the driver twice with his plasma gun yet failed to wound with both strength 7 hits! A hail of lasgun fire did nothing against arbites armour, and a speculative shotgun shot over the shoulder of a comrade saw one Delaque miss so badly that he shot the back out of his mate's skull, knocking him dead on the spot!

At the last, it all came down to one shot. Martin stood on the cusp of making it out. It was his turn next, and Robert had only one man in range. High on a tower overlooking the battlefield (surely some mile to two miles away), the Van Saar heavy armed with the heavy stubber was in range, and could draw a bead on the back of the driver. He fired.. and missed. Against terrible odds, withering fire that could peel the face off a daemon, and frankly mind-numbing casualties - the caravan made it through!

Well, its a well done to Martin! Against the odds indeed.... His gang earn 140 credits reward, and not a crate was pinched (even though Kev swooped in from above and ate a strawberry one!). Everyone had a bite at the cherry and their own piece of glory to tell of, and it was genuinely quite tense to see if Martin would actually make it! It was a great game, and definitely a variant of scenario I'll use again.

On another note, the skimmer rules and speeder rules worked well, with a little on the hoof tweaking. They were fun, but didn't unbalance the game or trouble the players with trying to comprehend the ruleset. For the upcoming speeder based scenario, there'll be more scope for use the piloting skill table when things go wrong, such as fighting a round of hand to hand combat, or taking damage to a moving speeder. I'll also reintegrate pistol shooting for the riders, and tool up the speeder gun to increase its strength.

In the Underhive there is only war!