Sunday 6 January 2013

Tanks for the memories

Got some Flames of War on at the club tonight, first time in over a year and bending my head around the rules was initially rather slowwwww. Picked up quickly though, thanks the expert knowledge of Dougie! It was a 600 pt game against Alan, my first in the club FOW league. Odd opponents, as my Wehrmacht Infantry company were going up against Alan's own Germans. We played a scenario to capture objectives, in either deployment zone with a ruinous village in between us. Both sides started with half strength, with our other platoons coming on from turn 3 onwards, on a d6 roll of 5+.

I got lucky early on and managed to be the first to occupy a building in the centre. Easy to see cover makes the difference in this game as it made my troops almost invulnerable to infantry fire. Unfortunately Alan had some heavier stuff, with a PaK40 and some light man-packed field guns, who blew them away later on - but by then I'd halted his advance and he wouldn't have enough time to reach his objectives.

StuG-D - three sheets of tinfoil and some glue for armour.

My HMGs were pretty decent, but range wasnt so great at only 24", but at least the smallarms could only make 16". I had mortars but no spotter - hence range was only 24" and couldn't go indirect, or 'barrage'. Learned my lesson there - Alan used his CO to spot and extended the mortar range to 40", and he had lots of mortars! Star of the show for me were my StuG-D, making its solo run up the flank to seize an objective (albeit revealing that its armour is in fact as thick as tinfoil), and my Stukas! I lucked out on these as I managed to radio them in every turn! The blast they lay down is huge and the effect completely stymied Alan, psychologically if not in real terms. His casualties weren't too severe off the bombings, but my hit rolls were pretty ropey. It'll be interesting to see what they do to tanks (and if they show up so regularly next time).

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Yes, its a plane.

Roll the next opponent! Should be much quicker next time, and judging by watching Dougie and Kev play after me, I'll be facing a much bigger force!

Also this week, I posted up the first scenarios for the club Necromunda campaign. Four games were played in total - two against the bugs, and two against the zombies. Honours were split, as the 'critters' each won one game, with the players winning the other in each category. Seemed like the lads had good fun too. The zombie plague was a manic meat wall in one game, as Craig's Delaque ganger 'Bulldog' tore through 26 zombies by himself, in one game. Immense!

Folowing up on a previous post, after the Necromunda players chose their factions, this is what I posted up for them to do for their first campaign games, and what the lads took on tonight:

Here are the scenarios you can play to take part in the first stages of the campaign. If you read on, you'll notice two of them are faction specific. Challenge another necro player (dont matter which side they're on) to play the bugs or zombies, and if you win, you score campaign points for your side. The other scenarios are all out of the sourcebook. To earn campaign points from these, find a player from the opposing faction and challenge them to a game! The first set of campaign scenarios are below. I'll leave these up for a couple of weeks until the next set come up.

The word is there’s a critter infestation up near Blumpkin Hole. Papa Tango’s watering hole up in them parts is losing business fast, and it aint just liquor he’s pushing through there, if ye take my meanin’. Profits are down, and punters are getting eaten faster than a guilder can count his credits! The Papa wants you to get over there and crush some bugs before the Double Deuce goes outta business.

Genestealer Brood: this mission is only available to gangs in Papa Tango’s faction.

Dont let it touch you! Dont let it touch you!

Scenario forces and rules: The bug 'gang' consists of 5 genestealers (gang rating 1400). The Papa is paying out a 30 cred bounty on each genestealer head taken (no tax). A model in the ‘player’ gang must spend a turn stood next to the body of a fallen genestealer, without shooting or fighting in order to cut off its head. Gangers who roll ‘captured’ on the serious injury chart may instead have a gene seed implanted in them (refer to GM). The Genestealers do not take bottle tests – they must be expunged or they will eat you all! Deployment follows standard gang fight rules.

Campaign Points: Winning this for the Papa will gain your faction 2 campaign points.

Bad news up in Dustfalls; in fact there’s no news in Dust Falls, ‘cause everyone’s turned into a frakkin’ zombie! Papa Tango put a bad batch of Spook into the town, which caused an outbreak of the neurone plague. A few folks start getting’ bitey and before you know it, the whole settlements shuffling about feedin’ on each other’s brains! Dust Falls sits on the caravan route up to the Grimshaft. If the guilders and green hivers get word of this, then Boss Blake may as well just quit now! The Boss wants you to get your ass over there and start clearing the place out. Find the powerplant and get the generators fired up. Once they’re on, the Boss will be able to get some work teams up there to fire up the electric fences to herd the zombies into one enclosure where they can be take care of.

Plague: this mission is only available to gangs in Boss Blake’s Faction.

Mounds of squidgey rotten flesh coming for ya!

Scenario forces and rules: Set up a 4’x4’ table with one multi-levelled structure at the centre. The player gang must get to this structure and activate the generator using the control panel (use the water still or other suitable piece of scenery), located on the top floor of the multi-levelled structure. The zombie player deploys first, putting down 5d6 zombies. They maybe placed anywhere on the table, except for any of the possible player deployment zones. Zombies may be on any level of a multi-storey building (including the generator building), but must be at least 3” apart from each other. The player sets up second, and may choose his deployment zone. Player deployment zones are any one of the 8”x 8” corners of the battlefield. Additional zombies are attracted by the sounds of gunfire during the battle. 3d3 zombies arrive at the start of each of the zombie player’s turns, from one randomly generated table edge. Plague zombies follow all the rules on pages 26 and 27 of the Outlanders Rulebook, except that ONE 2d6 roll for zombie movement is made each turn, and applied to all zombies on the table.

To set off the generator, one of the player’s models must stand next to the control panel for one full turn without moving, shooting or fighting in hand to hand. If you manage to ‘kill’ (put out of action) 10+ zombies, the Boss will send his friendly doc over to see to your injured boys (regardless of success or failure). If you manage to activate the generator, the Boss will reward your gang with a ‘free’package left for you at the trading post (one free roll on the rare tradechart).

Campaign Points: Winning this for the Boss will gain your faction 2 campaign points.

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