Friday 15 February 2013

Sump Flood!

Not much going on tonight, so I'm using my time to move along the club's Necromunda campaign. I put the new pitfighter stuff out last night (see post below), and I've just finished off posting up the new scenario. I've not built the swing bridge model I'd intended for the 'toxic river' scenario yet, so I've gone with 'sump flood'. I shamelessly lifted the idea from the Yakromunda website resource archive, but added my own rub on it to personalise it for our own campaign. I'm looking forward to playing this one myself. I like the idea of heavies breathing out their arse and scrambling up ladders to avoid the rising toxic gunk as enemy gangers perched on nearby buildings pepper the bulkheads with bullets and lasfire...


The Papa doesn't like the way things are going, so he's taken matters into his own hands. Folks from all round these parts have been coming down out of their vents, shafts, and far flung domes to congregate in Blake's Pit's largest settlements for the annual festival to mark the Emperor's Name Day. Once a year the big towns hold bustling celebrations where the bars and flophouses creak at the seams with revellers and the streets are packed tight with traders and entertainers of every strain.

Fiddler's Elbow was always jumping.

The town of Fiddler's Elbow, at the heart of Boss Blake's turf is one such mecca for party-goers; due to its size it offers the best bars, nightclubs and gambling dens for miles around. Located at the centre of Sputnik dome it sits on a crossroads for people round these parts, and is always the busiest place for miles aroud.. Unfortunately for these teeming masses, the Papa is privy to a little titbit of information unbeknowst to almost all. Sputnik dome sits over the main effluent conduit for the midhive munitoria miles above. The pipes themselves run right under Fiddler's Elbow town square. The Papa has bided his time until the moment was right. Now the moment is here...

Papa Tango's agents have been busy - the explosive charges have been set, the timers wind to zero detonation is imminent! Few can guess at the horror to be unleashed. Even fewer will survive!

Sump Flood is a campaign scenario to be fought between 2-4 gangs from rival factions. The festivities in Fiddler's Elbow were a magnet for the great and the good,  welcome friends and despised enemies. For one day a year, everyone goes. The scenario starts as a gang fight. At the beginning of the second turn, the gunk from the gushing sump flood rises d6-2 inches. It will do this at the start of each full turn thereafter (ie at the start of the turn for whichever player went first).

Sludge is going to erupt like a volcano!

The gunk is vile, toxic and deadly. Any fighter standing in 1" of gunk moves at half rate. Any fighter standing in 2" of it takes an automatic flesh wound, and moves at half rate. If caught in 3", the fighter is out. Downed fighters caught in any gunk automatically go out of action. Falling damage into gunk is suffered as normal, and the gunk doesnt offer any cover. The gunk will never go higher than 10"

For set up, use a 4' x 4' board, and place the higher buildings towards the centre of the table. This should be a rat race to the top of the highest buildings! The objective of the game is to eliminate the opposing gang before your own succumbs to the toxic sump gunk! Experience is accrued as per a normal gang fight, with the exception that fighters receive d6+2 exp for surviving rather than the usual d6. Good luck, and get climbing!

Got my swimmin' goggles on!

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