Wednesday 31 October 2012


Played D&D again tonight. The campaign has been up and running for a while now. 3 adventures in 6 sessions run by me, then 1 adventure run across 2 sessions by Robert, and tonight the 3rd session of Kev's adventure. I never played much as a PC before, so this has been quite a different experience. I run a half elf fighter from the Anauroch. He's good in a fight, but still needs a lot more fleshing out.

Good times, everyone made it tonight. This time we fought a giant squid which tried to pull our ship down into the deep... This adventure has very been a 'road movie' - next time we're going to see what awaits us at our destination....


Played a 2k game of WHM vs Mark at the club on Sunday, Vampire Counts vs. Vampire Counts. Don't think I've ever had the chance to play a 'civil war' game before, and it was a blast! The inevitable zombie grinder wore on on one flank but the rest of the game swung on whose general could reap the most damage and who would manage to get their heavy hitters in first.

My terrorgheist was poorly deployed was screamed down to only 2 wounds by Mark's banshee as I tried to navigate (so slowly) around the end of the enemy flank. Thankfully it survived to destroy the enemy hexwraiths whilst my core anvils pinned the banshee and the enemy line. We played our 2k campaign lists, and with so much cheese on the table there was no room for Mark to get his blood knights through until the final turn (thankfully).

The generals ended up in combat - both lords with red fury and mine went down first. The crumble test was brutal, killing off my own hexwraiths, the terrorgheist and swinging the zombie grind in the enemy's favour. All seemed lost until one of my fallen general's bunker unit - graveguard- scored a killing blow on Mark's vampire lord and took him out in the next turn. We called it in turn 5 having fought each other to a draw.

A great game , and an interesting one too. I'm getting better at using the hexwraiths and I used bat swarm properly for the first time to put ASL on the enemy general and his unit. Need practice running that terrorgheist though! Horrible to see how frustrating it is seeing an enemy player get off invocation after you've spent a turn of combat milling him down only for them to get back up again!

Wednesday 24 October 2012


Played Necromunda at the club last weekend - first game in at least 7 years! Got a lot of the lads interested it seems, we started with a four way multiplayer, with a couple of Van Saar gangs, my Orlocks and *gasp* even an Ork band! Good game, showed how important using cover was. Got a huge setup, used all the terrain plus a full set of Spacehulk tunnels. Going to think up more ways to use the tunnels, as they definitely add a nice element to it.

Played a second game and got gubbed by Tam's noobs. Two games in and my gang's already full of crips and had a fatality! This story seems all too familiar... The rule set had the 40k guys scratching their heads- too old school for them I think. Apparently GW put out an update version with a ruleset matching a newer gen of 40k. Dunno if the lads are leaning towards going for them - be a shame to give up on the rulebooks and resort to printouts - but it seems to have taken off at the club. lots of interest so far!

Next week though no more sci-fi for me - going back to fantasy. I've got the first campaign battle on Sunday vs. John's Dwarves. The other players mostly got their games in last weekend and almost to man suffered horrendous casualties, except for Ryan  who's sitting pretty. Will have to mastermind a victory and not lose too many guys!

New arrival in the Darkins house. Have snuck it away from the missus and already started it. Red Country is amazing!!! Abercrombie we love you....

I pinched this from fluff from the Book Depository Website:

The First Law trilogy was Joe's take on the great epic fantasy tales. Then, in BEST SERVED COLD he took on a fantasy version of a classic revenge story, and we have a superb tale of war waged in the frozen north still to come. With this, his next novel, Joe Abercrombie is once again venturing in a new direction, and on a new adventure, with one of the most enduring, powerful and popular characters of the First Law Trilogy. It's going to be their biggest challenge yet ...

Woo, its going to be good. Will savour this one!

I finished a book today (a rare occurrence) - 'Lost Fleet: Dauntless' by Jack Campbell. Its a sci-fi long retreat home skit, like Xenophon's Anabasis in space. An English teacher from work passed it on to me - usually I have no time for books recommended by other folks but I had a bit of time to kill on the boat home and it got me hooked :-)

The plot revolved around humans having colonised across part of the galaxy and split into two now warring factions. Hostilities have been grinding on for a century by the opening of the story, between the plantes of the Alliance (good guys0 and the Syndics (bad guys). The scene opens in the aftermath of the alliance fleet having been lured into an ambush and taking an almighty kicking. The senior staff go off on a shuttle to negotiate terms and everything looks exceedingly grim. Syndics treat POWs worse than the Nazis.

The story is told from the POV of John Geary, a survivor from the first battle of the war found drifting in a stasis escape pod by the fleet en route to battle. Thawed out but out of his his time, he is left as the highest ranking officer (and now a living legend) after the senior staff are executed by the Syndics. Rallying the obstinate and arrogant survivors of his fleet, Geary masterminds the fleet's escape and their flight across Syndic space as they jump from system to system and try to evade the full might of the Syndic fleet.

Other than a warm spot for Dan Abnett, I dont have much time for Sci-fi, so I was surprised when this dragged me in. The author is a retired US navy officer, and his use of relativity and descriptions of the problems of mass and momentum and distance in space combat was very convincing. Even though it portrayed a crushing defeat, it was still a lot lighter in atmosphere than the 40k books I'd read, and the characterization and plot hooks were excellent. Campbell hinted at there being a lot more to come form his universe and a recent trip to the library with the kids revealed there are another 7 books in the series... I will have to investigate methinks!

But not yet - new arrival in the post on Saturday: Abercrombie's new book is here!!!