Wednesday 24 October 2012


Played Necromunda at the club last weekend - first game in at least 7 years! Got a lot of the lads interested it seems, we started with a four way multiplayer, with a couple of Van Saar gangs, my Orlocks and *gasp* even an Ork band! Good game, showed how important using cover was. Got a huge setup, used all the terrain plus a full set of Spacehulk tunnels. Going to think up more ways to use the tunnels, as they definitely add a nice element to it.

Played a second game and got gubbed by Tam's noobs. Two games in and my gang's already full of crips and had a fatality! This story seems all too familiar... The rule set had the 40k guys scratching their heads- too old school for them I think. Apparently GW put out an update version with a ruleset matching a newer gen of 40k. Dunno if the lads are leaning towards going for them - be a shame to give up on the rulebooks and resort to printouts - but it seems to have taken off at the club. lots of interest so far!

Next week though no more sci-fi for me - going back to fantasy. I've got the first campaign battle on Sunday vs. John's Dwarves. The other players mostly got their games in last weekend and almost to man suffered horrendous casualties, except for Ryan  who's sitting pretty. Will have to mastermind a victory and not lose too many guys!

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