Wednesday 31 October 2012


Played a 2k game of WHM vs Mark at the club on Sunday, Vampire Counts vs. Vampire Counts. Don't think I've ever had the chance to play a 'civil war' game before, and it was a blast! The inevitable zombie grinder wore on on one flank but the rest of the game swung on whose general could reap the most damage and who would manage to get their heavy hitters in first.

My terrorgheist was poorly deployed was screamed down to only 2 wounds by Mark's banshee as I tried to navigate (so slowly) around the end of the enemy flank. Thankfully it survived to destroy the enemy hexwraiths whilst my core anvils pinned the banshee and the enemy line. We played our 2k campaign lists, and with so much cheese on the table there was no room for Mark to get his blood knights through until the final turn (thankfully).

The generals ended up in combat - both lords with red fury and mine went down first. The crumble test was brutal, killing off my own hexwraiths, the terrorgheist and swinging the zombie grind in the enemy's favour. All seemed lost until one of my fallen general's bunker unit - graveguard- scored a killing blow on Mark's vampire lord and took him out in the next turn. We called it in turn 5 having fought each other to a draw.

A great game , and an interesting one too. I'm getting better at using the hexwraiths and I used bat swarm properly for the first time to put ASL on the enemy general and his unit. Need practice running that terrorgheist though! Horrible to see how frustrating it is seeing an enemy player get off invocation after you've spent a turn of combat milling him down only for them to get back up again!

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