Wednesday 21 November 2012

D&D Night!

Took my PC in Kev's fourth adventure last night, and Beloc did well... 36 points of damage laid down in one round of combat - put that in your pipe and smoke it, Craddock! Last night was the culmination of the party's long trek across Forgotten Realms under Kev as GM. After cutting through wolf infested cursed forests, fighting off bandits and assassins, and being shipwrecked by a giant squid, we washed up at our destination island to help Radaghast's friend find his missing daughter.

What a lovely village of tree loving druids they were. Welcoming and ever so helpful, yet sadly turned out to be drugging, lying gits who lured us across half a continent toss us into a cave and sacrifice us to a giant sodding spider. The world is a dark place indeed...

Nevertheless, we got our shit together and kicked some ass! Beloc tore bits off it with his dual wielded footman's pick, whilst some other people were there to dance around and distract it... With the beastie gone, we made a fine haul of treasure (only a few poxy coins for our hero Beloc though *sigh*) and bumped into Ellendir on the beach who sailed us on to our next blood soaked adventure.

Beloc's Footman's Pick. Extreme ass whuppage has been dealt...

One day we'll bump into that treacherous clan of druids again, and tear those tree hugging bastards the new arsehole that they so richly deserve... Next GM up is Martin, and he's going for some Ravenloft. Good times!

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