Sunday 18 November 2012


Ooft! Five games into the Necromunda campaign and my Orlocks - the 'Sump Crew' - have already been royally gubbed and ground into the dirt! I played a 'rescue' mission tonight vs. Tam's Van Saars to retrieve one of my lads who'd been captured by his creepy lot in the previous hammering. He pitched up with 3 sentries against my entire gang and dished out raining death!

I managed to sneak up no probs but his heavy with a heavy bolter was able to stitch up my boss and another ganger before he jammed, and then proceeded to snipe off the rest of my lads from his tower like he was bloody Vassily Zietsev with a lasgun. Just about to reach my man and rescue him before reinforcements arrived when I failed the bottle roll... Alas, no rescue and my entire gang fended off by only 3 men. Epic fail!

To rub salt in the wound, of the 3 downed men, a ganger and then my leader choked it and died. With a 7 strong, skint assortment of cripples left, and a leadership battle imminent I decided to pull the plug. Sometimes it just aint worth it! So, South, Friendly, Bligh and Slim walk off into the slime choked toxic fog of the underhive, never to be seen again. So much for the Sump Crew! It was me that started up the campaign at the club and look where it got me!!

One day this shall be mine...

Ah, but now its back to the drawing board, which should be fun. After seeing Pollock play his years ago I fancy a Cawdor hand to hand bunch, or should I go outside the box and try some outlanders? Maybe I should take Tam's example and grow a beard for the Van Saars? Hmm, what will it be? Have been perusing the web and found this sweet conversion for some Van Saars and their rig. Would be good fun to get some vehicles into this campaign - I need to get my build on!

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